Team member CV

Christabel Mennicken

PhD Student

Eicke Latz Lab

+49 228 28759036

Bio Summary

Christabel Mennicken studied biomedicine in Marburg and advanced her knowledge of immunology in Bonn during her master studies at the Life and Medical Sciences Institute (LIMES). She joined the Latz lab in 2017 for a lab rotation with Dr. Susanne Schmidt and returned 2019 for her Master thesis under the supervision of PD Peter Düwell. She started her work as a PhD candidate in 2021. Her topics cover immunometabolism and metaflammation.

Project 1 is part of the SFB 1454 Metaflammation and a cooperation project between Bonn and the TU Braunschweig. The aim is to investigate the metabolic phenotype of ATP citrate lyase (ACLY) knock-out macrophages. ACLY plays a central role in linking glucose and lipid metabolism and previous work has shown its potential as a target not only in lowering cholesterol, but also inflammation.

Project 2 aims at studying the effects of a cyclic sugar compound (cyclodextrin) on the hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow of mice and whether it contributes to its anti-atherogenic effects.

She was nominated for the JSPS summer program 2023 in Tokyo where she spent two months in the lab of Prof. Hajime Kono at the Teikyo University working on auto-immune diseases and neutrophils. It was a great experience of getting to know the Japanese (work) culture and people.



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